
The invariant theory for CR manifolds

发布时间:2018-10-20 浏览次数:482



报告人: 黄彦彰博士

单位: 河南省信阳师范公司, 数学与统计公司

 题目: The invariant theory for CR manifolds.


报告人简介:1997.9-2001.6, 台湾中正大学数学系学士。2001.9-2003.6,台湾清华大学数学系硕士,师从张树诚教授。2006.8-2011.10,美国圣母大学数学系博士,师从著名微分几何学家Matthew Gursky教授。研究兴趣包括微分几何、几何分析、积分几何、CR 几何、大数据分析及人工智能应用。



In this talk, I will introduce some recent works of invariant theory for CR manifolds. After a briefing in CR manifolds, some integral invariants will be introduced in the Heisenberg groups (as a flat model of CR manifolds). The invariants are not changed in the sense of the pseudo-hermitian transformation which can be considered as the rigid motions in the Heisenberg groups. We take the approach from Integral Geometry for convex bodies, but in our cases, the assumption of convexity is not necessarily needed. The applications can be implemented by the CR-version of the Crofton's formula and the containment problems with other development. Some recent development in the invariant theory for CR manifolds will also be discussed in the end of the talk.

