
学术报告:Minimal graphs and the area minimizing problem in conformal cones

发布时间:2021-04-17 浏览次数:236

      报告时间:2021年4月22日 14:10-15:10

      报告地点:雁山校区 理2-402

      报告人: 周恒宇

      报告题目:Minimal graphs and the area minimizing problem in conformal cones

      报告摘要:In this talk we discuss the relations between minimal graphs and the area minimizing problems in conformal cones. We introduce a NCM condition on bounded domains, i.e no closed embedded minimal hypersurface exists the closures. Then we shall discuss how to use this condition and other natural assumption to obtain the existence and uniqueness of minimal graphs and the solution to area minimizing currents in conformal cones with Lipschitz graphical boundaries. This talk is based on joint works with Qiang Gao, a recent preprint of the speaker.  


      报告人简介:周恒宇,重庆大学副研究员, 2015年博士毕业于纽约城市大学,先后在南京大学,中山大学做博士后。 2018年入职重庆大学。研究方向是几何分析与偏微分方程,目前研究兴趣是极小曲面的Plateau的问题及其相关方向。文章发表在JFA, IMRN,JGA,Science China Mathematics等杂志上。 
