
学术报告:Effects of intraguild prey dispersal driven by intraguild predator-avoidance on species coexistence

发布时间:2021-12-09 浏览次数:252

报告人:王林 教授 (新布伦瑞克大学-加拿大)

报告时间:2021年12月10日(星期五) 北京时间21:00--22:00

报告地点:腾讯线上会议 301 810 316

报告摘要:In this talk, I will present a novel mathematical model that couples a competition model with an intraguild predation model via dispersal of intraguild prey driven by intraguild predator-avoidance. We show that a large dispersal rate would lead to the collapse of species coexistence, which is consistent with the reported experimental results. In addition, we show that three modes of species coexistence are possible when the intraguild prey dispersal rate is not too large. Moreover, for a certain range of dispersal rates,  a stable interior equilibrium can coexist with a stable positive limit cycle.

报告人简介: 王林教授,博士毕业于加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学,加拿大麦克马斯特大学、大不列颠哥伦比亚大学博士后。现加拿大University of New Brunswick终身教授。主要从事应用数学研究,其研究涉及生物数学、生态学、神经网络、优化控制、流行病学等多个领域。主持和参与加拿大国家自然与工程基金、加拿大MITACS基金重点项目、加拿大自然与工程战略项目等6项。已在SIAM- J. Appl. Math.、Journal of Differential Equations、Journal of Mathematical Biology、Journal of Theoretical Biology、Mathematical Biosciences、SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and- Applications等发表论文100余篇,指导博士后、博士生及国际访问学者20余人。论文被国际同行引用2000多次,曾荣获UNB- Merit奖,Harrison- McCain基金青年学者奖等多项奖.


